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Boundaries Basics for people in recovery and their friends and family members

Boundaries are those invisible markers you establish for all interactions in life, even with yourself. Boundaries determine the level of intimacy in a relationship. You set boundaries with friends, lovers, colleagues, and family members to protect your recovery and to re-build your identity. Clear boundaries help you can gain self-trust, practice self-care, and really learn to love who you are.

  • What are boundaries and how can they improve your relationships in recovery, at home, and in the workplace?

  • Do you know how to set healthy boundaries? What do you say?

  • Have your boundaries ever been crossed? 

  • How do you determine the consequences for people who cross your boundaries?


Schedule my Boundaries Workshop for yourself, your family, your group or organization. I love tailoring content to open the experience of boundaries to more people, not only those in recovery. Parents, friends, and other family members of people in recovery are in recovery, too! Boundaries can help you more effectively communicate and navigate life in recovery.

I can also provide a one-hour session on Boundaries specifically for friends and family members of people with substance use disorders. 

Wondering if this is right for your group? Let’s have a conversation about it. Register your interest at the bottom of the page or email me at

From Boundaries participants:


“Stirred up a lot of things for me. I’m great with boundaries in my professional career, but I realized I have a lot of work to do on my personal boundaries."  


“You made me go back to the beginning of some issues with such a simple question. I went back to the little girl from years ago. I see how things fit together.”


"We don’t spend enough time working on our boundaries on our journey of recovery. This is so eye-opening for me."


"I want to dive deeper into learning more about my boundaries, because this is something that everyone needs, not just people in recovery."


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Boundaries Workshop

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